In this volume, Atuel publishes a new contribution by Jorge Holovatuck to the amazing problem of the formation and training of the actor. A factory of theatrical games and exercises crowns Holovatuck’s extensive career in the practice and research of theater pedagogy. Under the epigraph of Jean Paul Sartre, “We must expand the field of the possible”, Holovatuck expands in this book the knowledge and strategies that he developed in the Manual of theatrical games and exercises.
Each unit of A factory of theatrical games and exercises carries out provocative theoretical-practical approaches and includes a stimulating proposal of “Activities” that can be applied in the workshop or theater school. It is a book designed for the action of the reader, to whom Holovatuck leaves the last word. Raúl Serrano, Hollovatuck’s teacher, writes in the prologue: “The author aims to imbue the technique itself with creativity without the terms being antagonistic. The idea of the artist pedagogue is presented in a very different way from that in which it is normally understood. “It is not about the artist who necessarily becomes a pedagogue, but rather the pedagogue who raises his aim and converts his classes into true creative events.”
The material included in A factory of games and theatrical exercises was declared “of Cultural and Educational Interest” by the Municipality of Avellaneda, Province of Buenos Aires.
- Title: Una fábrica de juegos y ejercicios teatrales
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Atuel
- Publication Date: 1 February 2012
- Nb. pages: 376
- First edition year: 2012
- ISBN-10: 9871155808
- ISBN-13: 9789871155804
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