An A to Z of Improvisational Terms, Techniques, and Tools The Improv Dictionary: An A to Z of Improvisational Terms, Techniques, and Tools explores improvisational approaches and concepts drawn from a multitude of movements and schools of thought to enhance spontaneous and collaborative creativity. This accessible resource reveals and interrogates the inherited wisdoms contained in the very words we use to describe modern improv. Each detail...

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A solid theoretical basis, tested in the daily practice of its authors and the groups to which they belong. A clear, structured and defined system for use by both experienced and novice people....

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The Improv IllusionistUsing Object Work, Environment, and Physicality in Performance Object work, environment and physicality are essential for improvisational theatre. Skilled improvisers can draw audiences into the performance by helping them see things that aren’t there. The Improv Illusionist is the first book dedicated to physical improv. It reveals why these skills are so important, how to fix bad habits that develop over time and pra...

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Nick Mataragas has opinions on improv. Lots of opinions. You may not agree with them. But then again, you might. Improv: A Rant is Nick’s unfiltered view on the state of improv today, what makes for good scenes, and how you should treat the profession. Whether you agree with the thoughts or not, this book will make you think about what you are doing on stage....

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Fifty Key Improv Performers: Actors, Troupes, and Schools from Theatre, Film, and TV Fifty Key Improv Performers highlights the history, development, and impact of improvisational theatre by highlighting not just key performers, but institutions, training centers, and movements to demonstrate the ways improv has shaped contemporary performance both onstage and onscreen. The book features the luminaries of improv, like Viola Spolin, Keith Joh...

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This book is the toolkit to teach, learn, share, practice, and play short form improv comedy. Learn some basics of how improv works and learn over 120 different games and exercises. Along the way there are some anecdotes, stories, and tips about the art of improv that will help the performer and the every day human. Life is improv and improv is life. Learn short form improv comedy for yourself, for fun, for work, and for life. Classic theatre gam...

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Truths, Tales, and How to Improvise The Principles of Comedy Improv is an authoritative handbook for beginners and experts alike. More than just entertainment, improv’s tenets enable you to change every moment of your life. Your guide is Tom Blank, who crystallizes two decades of experience to convey improv in unparalleled scope, depth, and fun....

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You already know that there’s no script for effective leadership… That’s why Improv Leadership reveals five skills that will help you unleash your own leadership potential on every unexpected challenge and status quo. Anyone can read books and apply lessons, but only the best can develop what they know to bring out the best in any person or circumstance. These natural leaders understand the key principles of connecting...

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Improv is an art form in which participants act and respond in the present, trusting that each thoughtful action will lead to a wonderful outcome–even if it isn’t the intended result. In this book, the principles and practices of unscripted theater are applied to non-theatrical circumstances. This book is based on a highly successful business school course, and aids in the development of communication, teamwork, creativity, confidence...

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When I first saw improv on stage I *wanted* it. I had never seen anything or anyone so powerful. Envy, desire, and lust filled me. I was terrified and delighted by the mere *thought* of going on that stage. And boy oh boy I wanted that stage. I was determined. I was hooked....

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Novedades 4o Trimestre 2024: Fifty Key Improv Performers (Matt Fotis)

Editorial news in improv books for 2024’s Q4

News / 30 de January de 2025
Closing out 2024, there were no new editorial releases this quarter, but we are bringing back one that we missed in September: Fifty Key Improv Performers, by Matt Fotis. In addition, eight new titles have been added to the improv library, covering the basics of short-form improv, improv applied to work, some improv applied to life, and a journalistic work on The Improv club in New York. If you have read them, leave a comment with your opinion. If you know of any interesting titles that are missing, comment on them to complete the list. Novedad del trimestre: This book traces the history of improv (and not just in the English language) through fifty key figures such as Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone, as well as different companies from around the world that have been key figures and are worth knowing. An essential book to learn about th...
Novedades 3er Trimestre 2024:

Third quarter 2024 editorial news

News / 3 de October de 2024
This quarter we stopped to see Randy Fertel’s new book: Winging It. In addition, seven new titles have been added to the impro library. If you have read them, leave a comment with your opinion, if you know of any interesting titles that are missing, comment on them to complete the list. New book this quarter:  Winging It (Randy Fertel) This is a continuation of his first book on creativity in the history of artistic creation, but this time it is an essay very close to the current times of artificial intelligence and fake news. New to the list: In addition, the following have been added to the list of impro books:...
Novedades 2o Trimestre 2024: IMPRO, dinámica de lo impensado II (Feña Ortalli)

Second quarter 2024 editorial news

News / 11 de July de 2024
This quarter, Feña returns with his reflections on impro in terms of football. In addition, seven new titles have been added to the improv library. If you have read them, leave a comment with your opinion; if you know of any interesting titles that are missing, please comment to complete the list. New this quarter: IMPRO Dinámica de lo impensado II (Feña Ortalli) Feña continues his reflections on football and improv in this new volume that compiles brief essays. It can be purchased through his website where you can read a preview. New on the list: In addition, the following have been added to the list of impro books. Mainly books on theatrical play and by Argentine authors....

First quarter 2024 editorial news

News / 29 de April de 2024
This quarter no books have been presented, but we have added many new ones to the list, and we rescued one recently published. New this quarter: Last year, the Argentinian improviser Paula Farías presented her “Manual de clases”, an eminently practical guide for putting together twelve sessions of improvisation classes (for both online and in-person modality). A self-edition now available in easy-access digital format, you must contact the author for an edition in physical format. Nuevos en el listado: In addition, the following have been added to the list of improv books. Mainly books about theatrical play and by Argentine authors....
Improv Books, now in english

Find the best improv books, now in english

News / 26 de March de 2024
The improv book catalog on this website currently has 210 titles, of which 44 are available in Spanish and the main part are available in English with 165 titles. There are also 10 titles in Portuguese (mainly Brazilian), 9 in French and 3 in Italian. Obviously these figures overlap because there are many titles that have been translated from their original edition into other languages. And we know that there are still many books we have to continue incorporating and classifying, especially in French and other languages outside of those mentioned above. Any suggestions to add to this bibliography of improv books are welcome. This month, the work has been to translate all the information already available into English, so that more people can access this bibliographic compendium, trying to create the best resource to find impro books. If y...