This sequel to the “improv bible” Truth in Comedy delves deeper into the mindset and history of improvisational theatre, and the accompanying DVD provides clear examples of these principles in action. The DVD includes performances by four influential improv groups: Upright Citizens Brigade (with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler), Beer Shark Mice (with Neil Flynn of Scrubs), Armando Diaz Theatrical Experience, and The Reckoning, along with additional short clips featuring Peter Hulne. The disc also contains interviews with many celebrity improv artists including Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch, Amy Poehler, Stephnie Weir, Tim Meadows, Andy Dick, and Adam McKay. The book expands on many of the ideas from Truth in Comedy as it explores the evolution of long-form improv into the New Harold and provides expanded thoughts on what makes improvisation effective. Readers also get an insider’s perspective of Del Close, who many consider to be the father of modern improv along with book author Charna Halpern, as together they established the famous iO theatres.
- Title: Art by Committee
- Language: English
- Publisher: Christian Publishers LLC
- Publication Date: 1 April 2006
- Nb. pages: 136
- First edition year: 2006
- ISBN-10: 1566081122
- ISBN-13: 978-1566081122
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