This book is the toolkit to teach, learn, share, practice, and play short form improv comedy. Learn some basics of how improv works and learn over 120 different games and exercises. Along the way there are some anecdotes, stories, and tips about the art of improv that will help the performer and the every day human. Life is improv and improv is life. Learn short form improv comedy for yourself, for fun, for work, and for life. Classic theatre games can offer life skills of how to “yes, and” your every day life. Learn a brief history of GoProv from it’s founder, Steve Freeto while learning how silly games can offer a boost of confidence along with all of the accolades given to improvisers. Go, improv!
- Title: Go, Improv: How to improvise your life
- Language: English
- Publisher: BookBaby
- Publication Date: 18 November 2020
- Nb. pages: 99
- First edition year: 2020
- ISBN-10: 109834572X
- ISBN-13: 9781098345723
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