Training Using Drama: Successful Development Techniques from Theatre and Improvisation
The use of training techniques originally developed for theatre and improvization within the workplace has increased enormously and the effectiveness of the approach is finding many enthusiastic followers. Sometimes actors themselves are brought into an organization to act as catalysts within a training/role-play setting, but increasingly, trainers use the techniques themselves. This guide to using development techniques from theatre and improvization shows how anyone can make use of them. Complete with 50 detailed activities, the book shows how to use storytelling, role-plays and coaching to improve creativity, leadership, teamwork and personal development.
- Title: Training Using Drama
- Language: English
- Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd
- Publication Date: 1 January 2002
- Nb. pages: 224
- First edition year: 2002
- ISBN-10: 0749437049
- ISBN-13: 978-0749437046
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