Teaching Improv Skills: Stories, Games, and Tips to Develop Skills for Improvisational Comedy Troupes
Do you want to build your improv troupe’s skills? Or are you looking to develop positive communication skills with a group you work with? Improvisation is all about listening, accepting, reacting, responding, and bringing more to the table in positive ways. Improv comedy troupes—as well as any other groups that want to work better together—need a firm foundation in these skills plus trust and a willingness to take a few “safe risks.” Nancy Meyer’s book Teaching Improv Skills: Stories, Games, and Tips to Develop Skills for Improvisational Comedy Troupes will help all folks who work with humans develop and hone improvisational comedy and positive communication skills through real performers’ stories, analysis, coaching suggestions, and games.
And it’s a whole lot of fun. Inside, you will…
* Explore the skills of successful improvisational comedy and positive communication
* Learn 40 skill-building games using step-by-step instructions
* Dive into coaching strategies Modify games to meet the needs and levels of your participants
* Use questions for debriefing games and self-reflection
* And more…
Say “Yes, and…” to Teaching Improv Skills today!
- Title: Teaching Improv Skills
- Language: English
- Publisher: Nancy Meyer
- Publication Date: 18 September 2022
- Nb. pages: 182
- First edition year: 2022
- ISBN-13: 9798218029289
- Compra en amazon.es
Compra en IberLibro
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