The THEATER PEDAGOGY Collection presents this text on the Improvisation Match as a tool within the field of expression and creativity. Like all Ñaque Editora publications, it combines theoretical depth with the freshness of practice.
KOLDOBIKA GOTZON VIO, a student of Georges Laferriére, shares his experience and that of his teammates, D’lmpro Kolektiboa.
“EXPLORING THE IMPROVISATION MATCH” is an invitation to enter and enjoy the world of Match: “A theatrical game collective in which, through improvisation techniques, several teams compete cooperatively and where the audience is an active part of the show.”
Teams and public are part of a process of growth, fun and pleasure.
Prefaced by the promoter of Match in Spain, Georges Laferriére, Professor of Dramatic Arts Didactics at the University of Quebec in Montreal; The book deals with how a Match team can be trained in its early phases and its in-depth study of this work, all seasoned with keys for its pedagogical use.
For fans of this game-technique; for actors and actresses; for trainers who wish to apply it in the workshop or classroom.
- Title: Explorando el match de improvisación
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Ñaque Editora
- Publication Date: 28 October 2011
- Nb. pages: 192
- First edition year: 3011
- ISBN-10: 8492084448
- ISBN-13: 9788492084449
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