IMPRO is a book that brings together, in clear and concise sheets, 90 creative proposals and games with easy-to-apply variants. It also includes a set of very useful guidelines and practical advice for people interested in impro and its pedagogy: teachers and theater groups, coaches, actors, educators of different levels, animators, students of theater and educational sciences who want to improve their training, as well as future improvisers who wish to develop spontaneity in the classroom and on stage. Its authors, Alfredo Mantovani, Borja Cortés, Encarni Corrales, Jose Ramón Muñoz and Pablo Pundik, are actors, improvisers and teachers with long theatrical careers, specialized in improv, who have come together in this publication to share their experiential background. Inventing and representing stories as a team and enjoying “improturgy”, the original concept of the authors of this work, becomes the core of a fun and pleasant job for actors or fans who want to explore the theatrical event from a playful perspective.
It includes “Testimonies”, where Dani Rovira and a good handful of actors and actresses with a recognized background in theatrical improvisation offer us their experiences and reflections on this art.
- Title: Impro, 90 juegos y ejercicios...
- Language: Spanish
- Publisher: Editorial Octaedro, S.L.
- Publication Date: 1 September 2016
- Nb. pages: 200
- First edition year: 2016
- ISBN-10: 8499218695
- ISBN-13: 9788499218694
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