Improv isn’t just fun and games (though it’s fun and there are a lot of games!). It’s a powerful set of skills that can lift an actor–and indeed, an entire ensemble–to another level. James Thomas Bailey is an experienced classroom teacher, producer of the longest running stage production in Los Angeles (decades) and creator of the largest teen improv program in the United States. In this book, he’s created a practical, humorous guide to teaching improvisation for theatre educators and directors at all levels. Included are sequential lessons and methods for applying them—ten weeks of curriculum if taught in full—complete with a “script” for teaching and debrief questions for greater conversation and even more understanding. Ready to give yourself a shot in the arm and a pat on the back?! Go!
Published and performances licensed by YouthPLAYS (, publisher of plays for young actors and audiences.
- Title: Teaching Improv: A Practical Guide for Theatre Educators
- Language: English
- Publisher: YouthPLAYS
- Publication Date: 31 August 2022
- Nb. pages: 206
- First edition year: 2022
- ISBN-10: 1639320814
- ISBN-13: 978-1639320813
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