This book, which is the continuation of 60 theatrical training exercises, proposes a preparatory work , as a workshop, for the representation of a play.
With the help of a series of commented exercises, which leave a large part to improvisation, training is proposed for collective listening, concentration, relaxation and dynamization of the body, as well as work on breathing, muscles and the joints.
- Title: 60 Exercices D'Entrainement Au Theatre: Tome 2
- Language: French
- Publisher: Retz
- Publication Date: 26 May 2005
- Nb. pages: 143
- ISBN-10: 2725624525
- ISBN-13: 9782725624525
- Compra en
Compra en IberLibro
- Title: Entrenamiento Para la Improvisacion Teatral
- Language: Spanish
- Nb. pages: 144
- ISBN-13: 9789583044700
- Compra en TiendaTeatral (CO)
Compra en IberLibro
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