Improvisação Teatral com Crianças: O Sistema Impro na Escola (Hortência Campos Maia)

The theatrical improvisation book with children: The Impro System in the school

This book presents the practice of improvisation and its pedagogical possibilities in teaching theater with children in basic education, and broadens the alternatives for working with improvisation in not teaching fundamental in consonance with the language skills of theater described in the last version of the Comum National Curriculum Base. Objectively, Impro is a practice of theatrical improvisation in front of the public, developed by theater professor and English playwright Keith Johnstone, since the 1950s in contemporary times, which has the premise of a theater that works with spontaneity and imagination for a creative mind. Improper System is the nomenclature given by North American researcher Theresa Dudeck in relation to Johnstone’s teaching-learning work.

  • Language: Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Publisher: Editora Appris

  • Publication Date: 9 November 2020

  • Nb. pages: 196

  • First edition year: 2020

  • ISBN-13: 9788547341862

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