Countless books have been written that explore the world of creativity in its various manifestations. Without a doubt, improvisation is a lever in this field, it is what we call “applied improvisation.”
We present a series of works that talk about improvisation and its application in various contexts, from theater and comedy to the business world and problem solving. These books offer a unique perspective on how to foster creativity, among other things, revealing the power of improvisation as a fundamental tool for innovation and personal and professional development.
The Art of Is (Stephen Nachmanovitch)
This musician is a reference to how to take the philosophy of impro beyond art, and what resources creativity has in common in musical or theatrical improvisation and in life. An essential book. This is the only book in the selection that has been translated into Spanish.
The Creativity Leap: Unleash Curiosity, Improvisation, and Intuition at Work (Natalie Nixon)
Natalie Nixon is an eminence in creativity. Through this enjoyable book, she discovers the countless studies that deal with the subject of creativity.
Training to Imagine (Kat Koppett)
A book purely oriented to applied theatrical improvisation. Discover exercises and mechanics with which Kat Koppett has been working with top-level companies.
Impro Learning: How to Make Your Training Creative, Flexible, and Spontaneous (Paul Z. Jackson)
Exercises that seek to improve the creativity of an impro troupe but that can well be applied to have a flexible mind.
An Improv State of Mind (Jennie Ayers)
Another interesting book about how improvisation, in a playful way, creates mechanisms applicable beyond the activity itself and its application in different professional environments.
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